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Monday, November 15, 2010


Shamans like Paladins are a very versatile class, there are 3 different roles of the shaman; ranged dps, melee dps, and healing. Making playing a shaman for exciting because you do not have to do the same thing for every raid or group, like rogues and hunters. Shamans are the only class that have totems; totems are very useful, in groups, raids, and/or just when your questing. Making shamans a really good soloing class with totems and the ability to heal themselves. Shamans can also use mail armor at level 40 which helps with melee damage done to the shaman. Shaman's also can use ghost wolf form that is a nice class bonus while leveling. Shaman's also get elemental shields that can deal damage, replenish mana, and increase spell power. Shaman's also have a spell that is very nice to have, reincarnation which is a self-resurrection spell. Shaman's are one of the better classes because they can be a party class or a solo class.

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