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Monday, November 8, 2010


Hunters are one of the best dps to have in groups or raids. Although hunters can only be dps they make up for it with being a good soloing class; hunters come with pets a level 10 that can direct any threat away from the hunter, allowing hunters to take on more mobs at once. Hunters have traps which allow them to have crowd control which also helps with taking on more mobs and temporarily demobilizing an enemy. Hunters offer no buffs that contribute to all the players in a group or raid, but have trueshoot arua that gives all players a attack power boost. The downfall of the hunter is that they have no short range dps, making them only useful at a distance. Hunters are one of the few classes that have a last ditch effort to survive, hunters have feign death, which makes npc's believe that the hunter is dead. One thing a hunter must always have is food and ammo, making it more stressful to be a hunter, because if you go into a raid with only 200 bullets your gonna be taking a hearth out and your gonna be holding up the raid, if you don't have meat on you and your pet starts getting mad at you; you might just lose it.

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