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Friday, November 5, 2010

Death Knights

Death Knights are a powerful dps class and they can also be a tanking class. Their tanking abilities are not as good as paladins or warriors, but they can still get the job done. Death Knights are different from all other classes, they start off at level 55, thus taking less time for them to get to the level cap; giving uses a bigger advantage over the other classes, but this can take away from the fun or game play of this class. Personally I would love to start a death knight at level 1 and be able to experience going through all the up's and down's of leveling, being able to do the lower level dungeons and being able to twink them at lvl 19 for WSG. Death Knights come with free lvl 40 riding mounts and also get many class/rep. perks. Death Knights have no mana but runic power making the class easier to play for less experienced players. From the level 58-62 range Death Knights have a huge advantage in pvp and in dungeons over all other classes, but once they hit level 70 that advantage goes away and becomes a common class. One down fall of the Death Knight is that there are so many of them that it takes away from the variety of the game, instead of having a warrior for a tank, 2 ranged dps and 1 melee dps, you end up with a dk for a tank with 3 dks for dps with a healer, yeah kinda boring.

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