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Monday, November 1, 2010


Paladins are a very flexible class, they can tank, be a melee dps, and/or be healers. Paladins have low mana pools in both the ret and prot specs, while there are talents that allow them to replenish mana faster than anyone class, but if you use too many spells your left with no mana. Both the riding mounts for Paladins are free. Paladins make a great soloing class because of the ability to heal. But paladins are weak at long ranges they come with no long range spells and are strictly a melee dps. Also like warriors Paladins can wear plate armor which decreases melee damage. Paladins come with 2 spells that no other classes have 1 is an unbreakable shield that lasts up to 8 secs, the other is lay on hands, which restores all the targets health points. Paladins are great for groups because they come with great buffs for all classes, but also like warriors, paladins have no crowd control.

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